Saturday, 24 November 2012

Nothing at all to do with the Olympics

But it is Sam Williams scoring a last minute penalty for Dagenham against Fleetwood today. Warning: contains strong language, mostly related to how sh*t their goalkeeper is.

And here is the shell of the Dagenham programme shop, burnt out after it was 'maliciously arsonned' as the PA put it

Friday, 16 November 2012

Blog shortlisted for top photography prize

One of the pictures I took at The Derby - see June 2nd below - was shortlisted for the 'Celebration of a Nation' photographic competition organised by Yahoo and Mediatel. It was exhibited at a Top West End Gallery (admittedly for only one evening). And it raised £45 for charity, being ACTUALLY SOLD to a real person (not me, I was outbid..). I am not making any of this up.

Full story is here, together with the winning photos:

And here is the photo itself.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

The Olympic Stadium in Berlin: November 2 2012

During Hertha Berlin 0 Ingelstadt 0
But at least you can get a drink during the game. In fact every so often a bloke comes round with a big tray of lager.  The Germans do get some things right...